+31 (0)24 711 4079
European office
Kerkenbos 1077V, 6546 BB Nijmegen The Netherlands
North American office
18911 Hardy Oak Blvd, San Antonio TX 78258, United States
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A sustainable impact on the tissue industry

We merge our network with employees that think beyond boundaries

Noviotissue wants to improve the connection between tissue establishments and surgeons by distribution of allografts implants, consultancy activities and tissue innovation. The ultimate goal is to improve medical procedures through human tissues, we do this with a continuous drive for product and process improvement, network building and expansion of knowledge. By maintaining and expanding our network in the entire supply chain from tissue establishment to hospitals, we are able to find synergies throughout the industry. 

We focus on the tissue banking industry

Noviotissue’s strength is the ability to think outside the box and thus, find solutions where others see challenges. In order to do so each employee fulfills a different role matching with their personality and background. The shared value that we have is the willingness to act and achieve things by pushing boundaries, supported by literature, lab testing and implementation. We expect employees to be intrinsically driven, self-reliant, positive, solution oriented, and to take responsibility. We believe that with the right guidance in a non-hierarchical organization the best result can be achieved.